lyra_loo (lyra_loo) wrote in ohnotheydidnt,

Megan Fox talks taking ayahuasca with Machine Gun Kelly

Megan Fox talked about her experience trying the drug ayahuasca with her boyfriend Machine Gun Kelly on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday. She shared that they took the drug "in a proper setting with indigenous people" in Costa Rica. It sounds like the experience didn't quite meet her "five-star" expectations as "you really are in the middle of the jungle, and you don't get to eat after 1 p.m. You have to walk a very far distance to get your water and you can't shower because they're in a drought." She says despite the difficulties of not showering and vomiting in front of a bunch of strangers, it was a good bonding experience and super intense.

"Everybody's journey is different, but on the second night, I went to Hell for eternity," Fox recalled. "Just knowing it's eternity is torture in itself, because there's no beginning, middle or end. So you have a real ego death."

"It just goes straight into your soul and it takes you to the psychological prison that you hold yourself in," she explained. "So it's your own version of hell, and I was definitely there."

She also said it helped her open up in a way that traditional therapy never has.


would you try ayahuasca ONTD? have you ever taken hallucinogens or do you just say no to drugs?
Tags: drugs / alcohol, late night talk show, megan fox

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